For 7th grade through graduating seniors, our youth engage the Scriptures in a deep way. Southview believes in solid Bible teaching from the earliest age, and our youth are no exception. Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, the students usually go through whole books of the Bible, however they have done extensive work in apologetics and world religions, as well as The Way of the Master evangelism series. Our goal is to provide an open atmosphere where students can know that they matter. Where students can be honest, open, heard, accepted, and equipped to live as a light for Christ, no matter what the cost! We do this by...
Students Reaching Students
- Extending the love of Christ to friends.
- Being a light to those in darkness.
- Igniting the passion for God in each other.
Students Teaching Students
- Increasing in knowledge of God’s Word.
- Growing in the character of Christ.
Students Influencing the World
- Serving in the church.
- Serving in the community.
- Serving where called.
Join us Sunday Morning @ 9:15 am for Sunday School and Wednesday Evening @ 6:30 pm for Bible Study.