Adult Ministries

College & Career

Young adults in college and just starting thier careers (18-25) meet every Tuesday at 7:00 PM for Bible Study! 

Women’s Ministry

We offer a variety of activities for you to get connected! Our Ladies' Brunch is held each January, where we enjoy fellowship and bring in various speakers.
Additionally, we have an active community outreach through ministries such as our First Responders Outreach, Pregnancy Help Center Baby Shower, and Baby Bottle Boomerang fund drive. We also take time to have fun. We have a Ladies' Retreat and our Ladies' Day Out shopping trips every year.

Most importantly, we love to study God's Word. We do this through a morning and an evening Bible Study. These are very in-depth studies in which we strive to learn God's heart and mind.
These events help build a close relationship between our ladies, which extends to our entire church. At Southview Baptist Church, we are like family and believe we are to live our lives so that others will see God through us.


Our men meet for lunch on the second Tuesday (every other month starting in January) at Big Horn BBQ in Pearland. This meeting has no agenda, just fellowship. However, we do take up a collection every month and use this money for various ministries within the church, such as youth camp, VBS, and others. We also purchase Bibles for every person baptized at Southview. 


Young at Heart is a thriving, exciting ministry for our experienced adults (50+) — some retired, some still working, but all desiring to serve the Lord. Various field trips and events occur, but the primary program is our gathering on the first Monday (every other month starting in February) at 12:00 Noon. These programs are full of entertainment and fellowship and capped with a delicious potluck lunch. We all desire to serve the Lord regardless of age, and staying "young at heart" is a special gift from the Lord. 

For more information, please visit our Southview Connect Page.

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20