What to Expect

You Can Expect...

Expect to be noticed. Feel free to ask questions. We want to know you! 
We are men, women, children, lawyers, computer programmers, electricians, businessmen and women, students, teachers, mechanics, athletes, young and old, but most of all, we are family.
God gave us His truth through the Bible.  At Southview Baptist Church, we seek to explore, understand, and apply God’s truth to our lives at every level.

You are important to the Lord Jesus, and because of that, you are important to us as we seek to be like Him!

Frequently Asked Questions...

What is your weekly service schedule?
Sundays: Bible Study @ 9:15 AM & Morning Worship @ 10:30 AM
Wednesdays: Fellowship Meal @ 5:00 PM & Bible Study @ 6:30 PM
What are the services like? 
Each service is typically 60-70 minutes and includes singing, preaching, announcements, offering, and invitation. Pastor Kyle uses the NASB version of the Bible to preach.
How does the music sound?
Our musical worship time is choir-driven. We play a mix of hymns and modern choruses and always have some kind of special music. 
Our current instrumental lineup includes a piano, organ, bass guitar, trombone, and flute. 
What should I wear?
We wear a variety of things! Some wear casual clothes (jeans), and others wear their "Sunday best." Our Pastor wears a suit and tie. 
What do you offer for children during the service?
We love children! We have a nursery to the left of the auditorium for infants. We also offer an "extended session" for children under 5 to listen to an age-appropriate Bible lesson and do an activity/craft. For more information about the nursery or extended session, visit our Kidsview page or stop by the registration table by the nursery!